1 min readJul 16, 2023


A short look at the FusionX menu

Served by Mantle rollup

- Scalability: Mantle’s modular architecture and optimistic rollup technology make FusionX feel like the Usain Bolt of blockchain, racing ahead with higher transaction throughput compared to slowpoke traditional Layer 1 blockchains like Ethereum. Say goodbye to scalability issues, we’ve got it covered!

- Low Fees: Thanks to Mantle's magical "compressed block" trick, FusionX keeps transaction fees so low, it's like paying for your coffee with pocket change. No more breaking the bank for blockchain interactions – we've got your back (and your wallet)!

- Security: FusionX enjoys the superhero-level security inherited from Ethereum, the Batman of blockchain networks. And, to take things to the next level, Mantle busts out its multi-party computation (MPC) technology, creating a fortress of trustlessness around our Layer 2 execution results. Safety first, folks!

- EVM Compatibility: Mantle and Ethereum are like peanut butter and jelly – they go together like smart contracts and hilariously entertaining memes. With Mantle's EVM compatibility, developers can move their existing contracts over with minimal effort. It's as smooth as butter!

- Partner Ecosystem: FusionX knew it hit the jackpot when it found Mantle, the Willy Wonka's Chocolate Factory of partner ecosystems. With BitDAO, Bybit, and a whole bunch of blockchain enthusiasts in our crew, we're taking decentralized applications to the next level while having a scrumptious time doing it!

Find FusionX here:







Husband, American, crypto investor, part time writer.